Category Archives: Cryptocurrency Info


Other Cryptocurrencies

Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. Since the success of bitcoin, other cryptocurrencies have emerged. In 2014, these were the big contenders in the cryptocurrency world – PeerCoin aka PPCoin, Litecoin, Freicoin, and Dogecoin. At the end of 2017, these are the top five contenders, according to one source. 1. Litecoin (LTC). Launched 2011.…

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Fiat Money Explained

Fiat money is money that a government declares is legal tender. Fiat refers to the government order. It’s from the Latin, like so many of our legal words, and it means “let it be done.” The government looks at the notion that paper bills can be legal tender, and says, “let it be done.” Gold-backed…

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